Results matching “lake biwa”

Walking the Nakasendo, its not only Nagano and Kyoto. You can walk the most popular section in Shiga, called Kusatsu or Moriyama, as a daytrip from Kyoto. Here's our recommended route of Nakasendo in Shiga.

Kusatsu was a Shukuba-machi, mean Post Town of Nakasendo. You can see some sign anywhere in Kusatsu.


As follow, still remaining same as above old picture.

1562120702.jpgKusatsu was a place for branching and merging with the two major highways, the Tokaido and the Nakasendo connecting Kyoto and Edo (Current Tokyo). It was also a lively place for many travelers and goods because it was connected closely to the way to Yabase port where was an important place of ship transportation of the Lake Biwa.

This is a Honjin, so do you know what is "Honjin"?


"Honjin" was the most prestigious accommodation in Shukuba (post town) in the Edo period.

There were only one or two Honjin in Shukuba. It consists of a large land and a big building, and there were some special facilities that only the Honjin was allowed to make. "Honjin" used to refer to the "military headquarters", but later because of the meaning of "the place where the shogun is staying", it became to refer to "an accommodation facility for the exclusive use of elite of society, such as Daimyo (feudal load), Hatamoto (direct retainer of the shogun) and Kuge (the nobility)".


More information about Kusatsu Honjin :

In Kusatsu, Shiga prefecture, you can enjoy the walk Nakasendo also Tokaido. At the Furukawa Shuzo Sake Brewery is on the route of Tokaido, you can tasting some of Japanese Sake.

1562121963.jpgJust second minutes walk from Furukawa Sake Brewery, you can see the sign board picture by Hiroshige Utagawa.

IMG_20190527_150926_9.jpgThsi building was a Japanese sweets shop and now Hyosendo's office, Hyosendo is selling Hyotan (Gourd) and it used to water bottle when people walking Nakasendo / Tokaido.

IMG_20190527_143543_0.jpgIn Spring time, there is a festival called Kusatsu Shukuba Matsuri.

草津宿場祭り1.jpgThis festival includes a historical pageant that proceeds through the traditional city streets, with a large number of onlookers taking in the vast array of gorgeous outfits. The main players in the pageant strike a chord deep in the hearts of all who see them, while the rich and fabulous costumes and hairstyles clearly delineate the differences between samurai and noble cultures.

More information about Kusatsu Shukuba Matsuri festival :

Visit Shiga to walking Nakasendo and Tokaido. We are next to Kyoto and only 9 minutes by normal train.

Sacred mountain in Shiga, it called Hieizan mountain.

Before you go climb that Hieizan mountain, here's our beginners guide to trekking to Hieizan Mountain.


If you are beginner to climb, please don't worry. The route where we choose, it would be great to enjoy.


But please invest your good quality of equipment and bring your enough water.

During your trek to Hieizan mountain, make sure you stay properly hydrated by drinking lots of water.

Finally, trekking is not race, so go at your own pace is most important.

Now, lets' go!


(1) Nearest station

Nearest station of Hieizan Mountain is "Sakamoto Hieizanguchi" station (Keihan Line).

From the station, just go to Hiyoshi Taisha Shine's Torii gate. It is easy access, its just follow the sign board.

It takes around 5 minutes by walk.

(2) Entrance of Hieizan Mountain Trekking

3.jpgThis is a Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine. Left side of Torii gate, there are some stairs made by stone.

4.jpgThis is a first step of Hieizan Mountain.

Stairs will be continued to 2nd entrance of Hieizan. Just follow the stairs until end.

From here, there is no ENGLISH sign board, so there is only Japanese sign.

But please don't worry, it is easy access to the goal called Hieizan Enryakuji temple.

Enjoy the scenery of Lake Biwa and ancient stone statue, breathe in the fresh air insidethe wood, and appreciate the things that you see along the way.

(3) Way to the Hieizan Enryakuji Temple

After the stone stairs, you will be on the street vlike this.

5.jpg6.jpgEnd of this street, you can see the iron gate.

7.jpgAfter the this iron gate, you can walk on the stone and rustic wood, but it is no quite danger way. Its just struggling to walk....

8.jpgContinues to walk, you can see some statue and sign board. We've enjoyed making some stone ornaments like this ;-)


We are trying to find some place to rest, middle of the way to the top, there is a place like this.

9.jpg10.jpgStone statue on the line. There is a wooden chair to sit down in front of this statue.

After the rest, we go for walk again!


If you see this sign board, it said Enryakuji temple is so close.

12.jpgBut it not said how long. So we need to walk....

13.jpgAround Hieizan mountain and Enryakuji area called Sakamoto, it quite famous as a great stone work in ancient time. So you can see some ancient stone work in everywhere of this route.

And is you see this old wooden ruin and turtles, it will be ending your journey.

14.jpg19.jpgUnfortunately, from here to the goal is soooo slightly uphill.....

15.jpgIt must be difficult but goal is just there, you must go.

16.jpgThsi sign borard is a goal, here is a next to the Hieizan Enryakuji Kaiakan hall (accommodation).

17.jpgIf you are OK, please up to the Hieizan Enryakuji temple's formal gate called Monjuro to Konpon-chudo to pray.

111.jpg222.jpg333.jpgKonpon-Chudo is a Enryakuji's main building, and undergoing some renovation and will be covered by scaffolding until at least 2026.

Watch the video to learn how Enryauji is :

Day Trip to Nagahama city

e.jpgWhen given the opportunity to take a trip to Nagahama for a day while studying abroad in Hikone, I knew immediately I had to go. Now, remembering the trip, I will make sure I visit Nagahama again in the future, as there are so much more things to see and do in the area than can fit in one day.


Many, if not all, regions in Japan have special meals or types of food that are considered special to the area. The first stop on our trip was to the restaurant Yokarou. There, we enjoyed somen noodles with mackerel. I was very impressed by the mild, savory flavor of the dish. The environment of the restaurant felt like a very significant cultural experience. From the screens dividing the rooms, to the traditional way we removed our shoes when we entered and sat on pillows on the floor, I felt like I was learning something new every second I spent at Yokarou.


Next, we visited the Kaiyodo Figure Museum. This was the part of the trip I was most excited for. As someone who loves miniatures and figures, as well as pop culture, this was a great place to explore. We saw many characters from cartoons, video games, and anime, as well as detailed animals and vehicles. My favorite item there was the many dinosaur figures on display. Another great thing about this museum is the huge collection of gachapon, or vending machines for capsule toys. We got to take home some complementary capsule toys, as well as some souvenirs I bought from the gift shop.


Lastly, we were lucky enough to view the 68th Nagahama Bonsai Exhibition of Ume Trees with Blossoms. The displays of numerous bonsai trees of all shapes and color made it impossible to not be amazed. I took dozens of pictures there. My favorite part about this location is the amazing smell that the trees create within the building. We were very lucky to participate in this event, as the trees only blossom within a very short time span around February.


Overall, the city of Nagahama was a great place to walk around for the day. The shops are very open and welcoming to customers, and there are many souvenirs to choose from. I indulged and bought some strawberry daifuku. I shared them with my roommate, and they were an amazing way to remember my trip.

Author : Talia Pulliam

c.jpgUpon arriving in Nagahama after a scenic drive along the lake, we went to a restaurant called Yokarou that serves local Nagahama food. The inside was set up like a traditional Japanese building, so we took our shoes off and walked around in our socks. Our table was upstairs in a room lined with screens of Japanese art. We were served mackerel on top of somen noodles, a local specialty, along with some sides and green tea. It tasted really good.


Next, we made our way to the Kaiyodo Figure Museum. This was the highlight of the trip for me. The museum has figures for almost everything--anime, video games, manga, movies, and miscellaneous things, like animals and artistic works not connected to media. I was surprised and very happy to find a figure of the xenomorph from the Alien movie series, as it was something I was looking for in the museum but not expecting to actually find. This museum is especially good for people who enjoy Japanese anime and manga, as a large portion of the museum is filled with those. There's a lot of Evangelion figures, like a life-sized Ayanami Rei that I got a picture with. I wholeheartedly feel that everyone interested in Japanese media can find something that speaks to them in this museum, as there were so many varieties of things. Godzilla, Black Jack, Hatsune Miku, Snake from the Metal Gear series, Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, and many, many more. They have a gift store, too, with figures available to buy, ranging in prices depending on the size. I know I saw some Yu-Gi-Oh figures and even some Marvel and DC ones. My friend bought a Shiga souvenir with Kirby on it. Surprisingly, there were also Hikonyan souvenirs there.


After leaving the museum, we went to an exhibition of a variety of bonsai trees, which takes place every year in February. The exhibition was held in a traditional Japanese building that we first had to walk through a beautiful garden to reach. The hallways filled with a very sweet smell from the bonsai trees, making the experience all the more pleasant. They had small trees, the blossoms of those seeming too big for trees of that size, but lovely all the same. They had big trees, too, one of which had a whole pond in its display. Watching the blossoms from the wide-reaching branches drift down and land in the water below was very soothing. I fell in love with that tree. I also adored the twisting and seemingly hollowed bark of many of the other trees.


My roommate and I immediately knew we had to come back to Nagahama and explore more of it.

Author : Colleen O'Keefe

Сига, Япония

IMG_1899.JPGСегодня я расскажу о трех достопримечательностях префектуры Сига (Shiga prefecture), Япония.

Префектура Сига расположена в центральной части основного острова Японского архипелага, острова Хонсю. Известна префектура Сига, в первую очередь, тем, что на её территории находиться озеро Бива (Biwa lake) - самое большое озеро в Японии.

В статье речь пойдет о трех изумительных местах восточного побережья озера Бива: синтоистском храмовом комплексе Taga Taisha, пещере Kawachi no Kazaana и буддийском храме Kongourinji.


Храм Тага (Taga Taisha ) расположен в одноименном городе Тага и является самым большим синтоистским храмом префектуры Сига, посвященный богам Изанаги и Изанами. Храмовый комплекс кроме непосредственно главного храма включает многочисленные постройки: памятники истории, 14 средних и малых храмов, места отдыха и т.д. Рядом с основными воротами храмового комплекса Тага расположена торговая улочка с местными сувенирными магазинами, кафе и ресторанами. На территории комплекса протекает речка, разбит живописный традиционный японский сад, растут многовековые японские криптомерии, деревья сакуры и японские клены. Весной в конце марта - начале апреля можно любоваться расцветшей сакурой, и во второй половине ноября огненно-красными кленами. Храм пользуется большой популярностью у местных жителей, сюда приходят помолиться, купить обереги-омамори, здесь проводят различные религиозные обряды, свадебные церемонии. В храмовом комплексе организуют местные фестивали-мацури, основные из которых приходятся на 3 января (фестиваль, посвященный празднованию начала нового года), 22 апреля (Тага мацури, главный фестиваль храма), первая неделя июня (празднование первых посевов риса), 3-5 августа (фестиваль бумажных фонарей). Храм Тага ассоциируется с удачей, долголетием и успешным браком. В храме есть лавка сувениров, где можно приобрести различные обереги-омамори, в том числе, пользующиеся популярностью среди молодых людей, обереги удачного брака. На территории комплекса также расположен музей-галерея, представлены к обозрению комнаты традиционного японского дома эпохи Эдо. Храм наполнен солнечной энергией, жизнерадостной атмосферой, в нем витает чувства воодушевления и созидания.

IMG_1828.JPGСледующая на очереди достопримечательность - пещера Kawachi no Kazaana. Это очень необычное место, расположенное в отдалении от населенных пунктов, высоко в горах. Чтобы пройти непосредственно к пещере надо подняться вверх по горной тропе. Прогулка не очень утомительная, пейзажи гор с густым лесом завораживают, а горная речушку, пролегающая по маршруту, радует слух своим мелодичным журчанием. Нужно немного постараться, чтобы попасть в саму пещеру, так как, вход в нее всего 1 метр в высоту. Температура в самой пещере, в которую никогда не попадают солнечные лучи, не превышает 12 градусов по Цельсию, поэтому запаситесь теплой кофтой или курткой для поездки к этому удивительному месту. Внутри пещеры проведено искусственное освещение, прохладно и влажно. Сама пещера представляет собой природное вулканическое углубление в горе площадью 1544 м².


Еще одна пользующаяся популярностью достопримечательность префектуры Сига - буддийский храм Kongourinji. История его создания уходит в далекий VIII-ой век н.э. Храм входит в тройку храмов Koto Sanzan, религиозного направления Tendai. Храм занимает большую территорию, на которой разбит японский сад с традиционным японским прудом, мостиками и переходами. В пруду плавают священные карпы и цветут лилии. Основной храм расположен на небольшой возвышенности, к которой ведут каменные ступени. При подъеме вашими спутниками будут сотни каменных маленьких будд, расположенных по обеим сторонам дороги, начиная с подножия и до самой вершины лестницы. Они указывают вам путь в храм и охраняют ваше продвижение. На вершине вы будете вознаграждены незабываемыми видами на храм Kongourinji, который производит впечатление как снаружи, так и внутри, а также многовековой трехэтажной пагодой, построенной в XIII столетии. Храм славиться большим количеством японских кленов, растущих на всей его территории. В сезон "момидзи" - любование осенней листвой (середина-вторая половина ноября) вся территория храма превращается в пылающее буйство красок с неописуемыми пейзажами.

(Author : Herashchanka Alena, びわ湖花街道)


Day 3 - 70km - Makino to Maibara via Lake Yogo

I woke early once again on my final day and went down to the beach for a morning swim. The freshwater was incredibly refreshing andset me in a good mood to start the last leg of the journey.


I set off after a hearty breakfast towards the hills of Northern Shiga. The first section was spectacular; skirting around the dramatic hills jutting out into the lake. When I reached the upper Eastern corner of the lake, I had the option to head a little further North to explore the secluded lake Yogo. This turned out to be a very pleasant part of the journey as it is tucked away from busy roads and residential areas and I highly recommended this peaceful spot to anyone who visits the area.

12402 (1).jpg

I then followed the coastline South through Nagahama city and then on to Maibara. The Nagahama castle, located a few minutes walk from Nagahama station, is well worth a visit and was my final stop before returning to Maibara at the end of my journey.


Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of cycling a loop around lake Biwa. I feel that it offered great variety from the cultural sites in the East to the rolling rice fields in the West and the dynamic landscape of the North. I'd love to try it again in the future especially during the cherry blossom or Autumn colours seasons as I think seeing it at a different time of year would really enhance the journey!

(Author : Simon Richards, Audley Travel)

Day 2 - 100km - Moriyama to Makino

I rose early with excitement and continued South past the city of Kusatsu. This was the first section of the trip where I could truly see the opposite side of the lake from the shore as I was in the slimmest part in the South. I crossed the Setagawa Bridge at the Southern point of the lake and pressed on up the other side through Otsu city. This was the most built-up section of the trip so was not necessarily the most attractive however, the Ukimido or 'floating temple' was a pleasant surprise and felt like a real hidden gem.


I eventually escaped the urban sprawl of Otsu city and soon found myself in the multi-coloured rice paddies scattered around Wani and Hira on the Eastern banks. This was a particularly enjoyable part of the ride as I could just get my head down and focus on the ride without worrying about traffic. The further North I went, the more impressive the scenery was.


The Shirahige shrine was my next stop, which is a red tori gate that stands in Lake Biwa about 30 metres from the coast. The gate itself attracted lots of visitors all posing for photos from the shore but I took a stroll around the area, stumbled across the Iwato-sha shrine in the foothills of the mountains, and took refuge there from a sudden downpour. It was a well-needed rest and extremely atmospheric so I would recommend anyone visiting to look around the surrounding area.


The remaining 20km to Makino largely consisted of the city of Takashima, which was home to some lovely old-style backstreets away from the main road. Upon arriving at my hotel on the lakeshore, I was so tired I headed straight to the property's private beach and lay down to enjoy the sun setting behind me and reflecting off the lake.

Read next article - Day 3 here

IMG_20180820_100040.jpgOn a Monday morning in late August, I boarded the bullet train at Nagoya and travelled to Maibara station on the Eastern side of the massive Lake Biwa. There was a dramatic change in scenery from the urban sprawl of Nagoya to the distinctive rice fields and hills of Shiga prefecture. Upon my arrival to Maibara station, I was met by the friendly faces of the Biwaichi rental cycle Maibara branch team, quickly sized up for a bicycle and sent on my way on my three-day 240km journey around Lake Biwa.

Day 1 - 70km - Maibara to Moriyama

From my research, it seemed that the first stretch of my trip would be the best for sightseeing with Hikone castle and Omi-Hachiman between me and my first overnight stop in Moriyama. This section of the journey is usually around 55-60km if you follow the coastline of the lake but I was determined to see both sites on my way so I did take detours to go see them.

After setting off Westwards from Maibara station, I was soon greeted by the vast expanse of Lake Biwa and the epic scale of the lake soon dawned on me. I followed the coast to the South while keeping an eye out for signs for Hikone castle. From a distance, I soon noticed Hikone castle towering above the town of Hikone so I parked my bike and had a look around the impressive structure.


I continued to follow the coastline for another 25km before arriving into Omi-Hachiman. This charming canal town gives a real flavour of old Japan and parts of it reminded me of the Gion geisha district of Kyoto but with significantly fewer tourists. I planned to take the Hachimanyama ropeway up to Mt. Hachiman to try getting some views of the area but I was conscious that I might run out of sunlight before arriving in Moriyama so I continued onwards.

八幡堀 (2).JPG

For the remainder of the day, I followed the wavy contours of the lake crossing bridges of canals as they met the mighty Biwako. As successful first day in the saddle!

Read next article - Day 2 here

Read next article - Day 3 here

Chance to stay in Japan Heritage site

A unique chance to stay in a beautiful traditional accommodation in Japan Heritage town called "Gokashouchou Town", Higashi-Omi city, Shiga prefecture. This event will be held only ONE DAY!


This small town located in East side of Lake Biwa, inside the Higashi-Omi city. The Gokashocho Town is a region with strong links to the Omi Merchants (Omi-Shonin).

This town has been designated a Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings, as well as a Japan Heritage site in 2015.

Walking these fascinating streets will reveal a refined atmosphere, with clean water flowing through the waterways where vari-colored carp swim elegantly. In the region there are also three Omi Merchant houses open to the public, allowing you to see how these famous businessmen lived.

Lets's explore 3 traditonal Omi Merchants house.

CIMG4206.JPGThis well-maintained house was Mr Shigeru Tonomura's house, build in 1901. This house will transform as a Japanese traditional restaurant to serve your lunch.


Garden design is an important Japanese art form that has been refined for more than 1000 years, also it's important for Omi Merchants' house.

DSCF2190.JPGDSCF2194.JPGThis garden to provide beauty, relaxation and inspiration for busy successful businessman as a Omi Merchants.

Let's see where to stay as your accommodation.

DSCF2233.JPGFancy a Sake from local brewery? Enjoy your night with your special to Kanpai (cheers) with Sake here.

Omi (Shiga) has been a thoroughfare across land and water for many years, and with the mountainous slopes also giving rise to an abundance of pure, clean water, many sake breweries have flourished here. Shiga Prefecture is truly perfectly situated for the production of sake.

DSCF2215.JPGNight time will be illuminated in this garden.


Wanna stay in this historic house? Must book in advance :

Finally, we went to Mr Jungoro Nakae's hoouse.

DSCF2241.JPGThis traditional house will be transform into accommodation as a hotel for just ONE DAY.

DSCF2247.JPGDSCF2251.JPGOmi Merchant lived here with their families, but recent years it has become a spot often used for filming TV programm.

Wanna stay in this house as your accommodation? Must book in advance :


aaa.jpgBlumen Hugel or Hill of Blume and in Japanese Blumenooka is a Park and Farm. Where is allowed the entrance of dog's with a necessary documents, because the park holds for the health of yours animals. It's good; you check the website, because there you can find all the information about the park, events and the weather, so you can decide if it's a good day to visit.

bbb.jpgIt has a large parking lot, on the other side of the road, you only have to cross the stone bridge, to reach the large portal, accompanied by traditional music, many flowers and trees that have already begun to change color for autumn.

The architecture of the place is very striking and rich; the structure of the park simulates a small traditional German city with graceful constructions.

Every park is signposted, just like on the map, very easy to locate with the help of the sheep traffic signs.

The first point is the Sylvanian Families house, since I was a kid, these cute dolls were already very successful and which continue to hit even the current generation. A large space for children to play, there are thousands of different types.

In this place, also there are clothes similar to the dolls and space to take pictures with them.

In part of the animals, very special space. Here in Blumen Hugel, We can have contact with animals, different from the Zoo of Brazil, where we can only see them from afar and usually through grids. I could see an Alpaca close up for the first time (without taking spit), caressing a baby Kangaroo sleeper and touching a Capybara, the hair very reminiscent of a "Piaçaba" broom where they are made of palm fiber, but in the end Capybara very much resembles a Guinea Pig, very similar behavior.

ccc.jpgIn São Paulo, Brazil, there is a very famous river called Tiete, this river is polluted and once I could see a Capybara family swimming in the middle of all the garbage, it was very sad. But here in the park, they live well and receive a lot of affection.

There is also a space for rabbits, emus, sheep, goats, horses and cattle and in another outside area; we find pigs and two llamas who like to play. Also have other animals, but they were not exposed at the time.

In the area of activities, we have the bow and arrow, where I discovered that I'm not so good for this, but I was able to have a lot of fun. A very high Air Jumping, which gives cold in the belly and a good kart track with many curves, amidst trees, it seems that we are karting in the middle of a forest. On the side of the lake, we saw the big grass slide.

You can also play golf, fishing, or go to the lake where there are various pedal boats, swans, pandas and helicopters. We can find two trains, a green fixed of rails beside the lake and a red motorized one that takes people to make tour by the park.


At lunchtime, there is no lack of choice; here are several restaurants, you can make your barbecue here. We were able to enjoy in the Shunki Viking restaurant (7 point in map) with many Japanese food options, accompanied by sautéed potatoes, sausages and salami with sweet mustard as in traditional German cuisine. To compose, one could not miss a baking area, with breads and cakes.

For dessert, we have homemade ice cream, and yogurt, made in the dairy space of the park, where you can see the all process through the glass of each area, and learn in a well didactic way.

eee.jpgNear the fountain of bears, we can visit craft brewing space, Hino Brewing.

They explained the whole step up to the bottling with custom cap. We were able to try the grains used in the drink, visually reminiscent of a rice, but the taste is sweet and full bodied, with a cereal crunchy.

fff.jpgThe beers are sold in the two stores of the park, in two versions Yare Yare Ale (citrus note) and Donto Yare IPA (sweeter). In addition to beer, you will find other beverages, snacks, homemade sausages, yoghurts from the own manufacturing and many products imported from other countries by Germany and France.

We also find a handicraft space where you can make some souvenirs like, Herbarium, custom glass pieces, among others.

To finalize in a park, could not miss a souvenir shop, already in the entrance we have many thematic products of Halloween, as well as all the park that is decorated.

We also found many stuffed animals from the farm; toy area, a studio Ghibli special area with Totoro, Ponyo and Kiki and many other things you can imagine.

The park is all decorated, either by the rich range of flowers, at this time of year we find the "sea" of Cosmos, flower among the colors purple, lilac, white and pink. Or by the amusing paintings, scattered around the place, some with humorous concept and others that seen from far and away appear to be window frames. And the detailed stained glass windows, ever on the windows, doors or in specific placement with good light.


hhh.jpgIn addition to these attractions, there are many others for children and adults.

Come and have a great day near nature in Blumen Hugel!

(Author : May Hayashi / Biwako Visitors Bureau)



Loja de artigos e bicicleta. Local: Japão, 〒524-0101 Shiga-ken, Moriyama-shi, Imahamachō, 十軒家2876 Mesmo terreno do Lake Biwa Marriott Hotel. #Bike#Aventura#Chuva

Na ponta de Moriyama, próxima a ponte do lago Biwa, encontramos a loja Giant de origem Taiwanesa. O espaço de tamanho médio, bem equipado, se encontra de frente para a pista do lago. Além de bicicletas para passeio e corrida, é possível encontrar todos os acessórios referente que você possa precisar.

a.jpgAo alugar uma bike o atendente muito simpático, vai checar toda a manutenção e se o banco está na altura correta para sua estatura, além disso ele explica sobre as diferenças de uma bike profissional, sobre o funcionamento das marchas e caso precise dar uma parada, como apoiá-la a partir do momento que não existe um pedal de apoio.

Com tudo preparado, bike e capacete, Lets Go!

Conseguimos andar um pouco, e nossa, uma bike professional faz toda a diferença, infelizmente uma chuva forte nos pegou de surpresa e tivemos que adiantar nossa próxima parada.


Café com refeição (menu mais caseiro e ocidental). Local:2620-43 Imahamachō, Moriyama-shi, Shiga-ken 524-0101 #Jovem#Conceitual#Fusão

Ao lado do shopping Pieri Moriyama(ponto famoso da cidade), encontramos o GIRAFFA, espaço que conta com um estacionamento próprio e suporte para bicicletas. O prédio moderno de 2 andares, parece uma caixa de vidro em contraste com suas vigas metálicas.

Assim que entramos, somos presenteados pelo som do pequeno sino de porta, o que dá um "Start" a outras percepções do espaço, como o Jazz de fundo.

Nota: chegando à conclusão que Japoneses curtem Jazz e Café.

b.jpgAo lado da porta já nos deparamos com o jardim vertical perto do teto, junto as paredes de lousa e uma cartela de cor mais retro. O nome do café é evidenciado no capacho, em letras de MDF acima do balcão e estampado em outros ornamentos, como o grande painel do segundo andar. Um destaque, foram os galos coloridos de Portugal, existiam alguns expostos pelo local, o que dava um ar mais descontraído e divertido. Existem cinzeirossobre as mesas, talvez seja liberado fumar aqui.


O ambiente de 22 assentos, mesa e bar, é despojado, com iluminação natural e conta com um pequeno jardim secreto abaixo da escada (tipo quarto de Harry Potter).

Encontramos uma pequena diversidade em vasos, cachepot e alguns até suspensos, o que nos dá uma outra visão de um espaço normalmente esquecido. A mobília tem o design mais moderno e novamente somos agraciados pela nossa cesta para bolsas, que apesar de ser um item menor, também tem toda uma atenção para compor junto a decoração.

No segundo andar encontramos junto as mesas, um local reservado para produtos que estão à venda. Itens diferenciados que tem uma pegada artesanal muito forte.

E para um momento de distração, os dois andarem possuem material de leitura.


Nos serviram água gelada e uma toalha úmida, junto ao cardápio da casa, todo impresso em papel Kraft. Conseguimos ver todo o processo, por conta do balcão aberto. O café sendo moído na hora, os equipamentos de última geração, a chaleira que mede a temperatura ideal da água, mas com toda a certeza o barista chefe do Giraffa é um grande professional. Dessa vez as bebidas foram diferenciadas, um café com desenho em espuma de leite vaporizado e um ice cappuccino.


O desenho de espuma de leite veio muito bonito em meio a cor caramelo do café.

O ice cappuccino, veio em uma apresentação simples com canudo e "bailarina", mas muito bem executado. As três ondas de chantilly foram calmamente moldadas uma a uma e finalizadas com uma chuva de castanhas torradas e caramelizadas. Acompanhando a bebida vieram Biscotti Italian em um delicado bowl de passarinho.

Pudermos desfrutar as bebidas junto a um cheesecake, este que veio em um prato refrigerado, que harmonizava perfeitamente com as cores do doce. Suave, mas de textura firme, bem diferente do famoso cheesecake japonês, que é conhecido por sua consistência extra macia, ele veio guarnecido de com sorvete de baunilha e chips crocante de caramelo e castanhas.


GIRAFFAS Um café jovem, com boas experiências e referências do exterior, um espaço divertido para encontrar os amigos e dar um tempo a monotonia do dia a dia.

Quando a chuva deu uma trégua, conseguimos voltar a bike, para andar pela cidade e fomos até a ponte do lago Biwa. Apesar do tempo ruim, o local é lindo e muito tranquilo, as ruas têm asfalto bom para bicicletas e é claro a segurança no trânsito é muito competente, então sem medo de acidentes.

g.jpgBye bye!

Author : Hayashi May, Biwako Visitors Bureau