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Site Policy

Terms of Indemnification

By using the services of this website, you (User) are indicating your acceptance of these terms of indemnification.

The Biwako Visitors Bureau (BVB) pays due caution when gathering and creating information for provision on this website, but this is no guarantee of the quality of its content. User indemnifies BVB and Shiga Prefecture against any and all damages arising from access to and use of this website as well as any website pretending to be this website.

The URL of this website and information provided in it are subject to change or removal at anytime without prior notification.

BVB accepts no responsibility for damages to User or third parties arising from the provision, late provision, modification, termination, cancellation, suspension, or expiration of any and all services and information on this website. When browsing information and receiving provided services, please do so in compliance with all legal requirements and at one's own discretion.

BVB is not affiliated with and accepts no responsibility for information, services, and the like contained in other websites to which this website is linked. By accessing such hyper-linked websites, User agrees to use said website in accordance with its terms of use and at one's own discretion. Likewise, BVB is not affiliated with and accepts no responsibility for information, services, and the like contained in third-party websites linked to this website.

BVB accepts no responsibility for damages to User or third-parties arising from travel and other activities following use of travel information on Shiga Prefecture provided by this website. When traveling, please do so in compliance with all legal requirements and at one's own discretion.


The content of this website is subject to copyright protection as provided for by the Copyright Act of Japan and international agreements. Copying and reprinting without permission is prohibited, except for personal use and acts permitted by the Copyright Act such as quoting. When quoting content from this website, be sure to cite the source using the appropriate format. Alteration of any and all content in this website without permission is also prohibited.

Acts of quoting and reprinting information contained in websites linked by this website are subject to the license terms of those websites.


Other websites are basically free to create hyperlinks to this website. However, when using the banner or when including a link to this website in a list of links, please direct traffic to the homepage.


The following websites are strictly discouraged from linking to this website.

  • Websites with content aimed at defaming or discrediting third parties
  • Websites that infringe or pose a risk of infringing intellectual property rights (e.g., copyrights, trademark rights), privacy rights, personality rights, and other rights
  • Websites with antisocial content (e.g., adult content)
  • Websites with content that violates law or goes against public order and decency
  • Other websites judged by BVB to be problematic

The URLs of this website and all pages contained within it are subject to change. Websites linking to this website or its pages will not be notified of these changes.

"go.biwako" Logo

When linking to this website, please use the banner version of the "go.biwako" logo.

Download the banner here.

Privacy Policy

BVB makes efforts to create a website that respects and safeguards personal information, follows all applicable laws on personal information, and can be used by everyone with peace of mind.

Users of this website are usually not required to disclose any information about themselves. However, in some circumstances (e.g., when submitting a comment or question) BVB may ask User to provide certain information such as his or her name and email address; in such circumstances BVB will specify its reason for requiring such information. Personal information (identifying information) provided by User will not be shared with third parties without permission, except where required by law or in special circumstances.

BVB takes steps to safeguard personal information provided by users and to prevent its leakage, loss, alteration, and the like. Personal information that is no longer needed will be promptly and permanently destroyed or deleted.

Other Terms

This website policy and privacy policy is subject to change at any time without prior notification. Changes made will be notified in an appropriate manner such as on the homepage.
